Brinchmann, B. & Mykletun, A. (2022). Sysselsetting av pasienter med alvorlige psykiske lidelser. Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening, 59(10), 932-937.
Brinchmann, B., Rinaldi, M., Sandtorv, E., Moe, C. F., McDaid, D., Killackey, E. & Mykletun, A. (2022). Are attitudes in employees of public employment service in line with the principles of individual placement and support? A questionnaire‐based survey.
Social Policy & Administration, 56(4), 681-692.
Butenko, D., Rinaldi, M., Brinchmann, B., Brandseth, O. L., Killackey, E. & Mykletun, A (2022). The personality profile of IPS employment specialists, and how it relates to job satisfaction: A longitudinal cohort study.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 64(1), 71-79.
Butenko, D., Rinaldi, M, Brinchmann, B., Killackey, E., Johnsen, E. & Mykletun, A. (2022). Turnover of IPS employment specialists: Rates and predictors.
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 57(1), 23-32.
Gillard, S., Barlow, S., Bremner, S., Foster, R., Gibson, S., Goldsmith, L., Healey, A., Lucock, M., Marks, J., Patel, A., Patel, S., Priebe, S., Rinaldi, M., Simpson, A., Ussher, M. & White, S. (2022). Peer support for discharge from inpatient mental health care – Authors' reply.
The Lancet Psychiatry, 9(7), 542-543.
Gillard, S., Bremner, S., Patel, A., Goldsmith, L., Marks, J., Foster, R., Morshead, R., White, S., Gibson, S. L., Healey, A., Lucock, M., Patel, S., Repper, J., Rinaldi, M., Simpson, A., Ussher, M., Worner, J. & Priebe, S. (2022). Peer support for discharge from inpatient mental health care versus care as usual in England (ENRICH): a parallel, two-group, individually randomised controlled trial.
The Lancet Psychiatry, 9(2), 125-136.
Lyhmann, I., Widding-Havnerås, T., Zachrisson, H. D., Bjelland, I., Chaulagain, A., Mykletun, A. & Halmøy, A. (2022). Variation in attitudes toward diagnosis and medication of ADHD: a survey among clinicians in the Norwegian child and adolescent mental health services.
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Lystad, J., Rognli, E. B., Moen, E. Å., Brinchmann, B., Spjelkavik, Ø. & Aamodt, H. L. (2022). Arbeidsrettet behandling ved alvorlig psykisk lidelse i spesialisthelsetjenesten.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening, 59(10), 874-883.
Marks. J., Sriskandarajah, N., Aurelio, M. M., Gillard, S., Rinaldi, M., Foster, R. & Ussher, M. (2022). Experiences of peer workers and mental health service users with a peer support intervention: applying and critiquing a behaviour change techniques taxonomy. Advances in Mental Health, 20(2), 91-101.
Moe, C., Borowska, M., Stenvall, B., Esp, T., Silbermann, A., Brinchmann, B. & Borg, M.(2022). Forskerskole i samarbeidsbasert forskning – et bidrag til mer likeverdig deltakelse i kunnskapsutvikling.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, 19(1), 40-50.
Moe, C. F., Brinchmann, B., Borg, M., McDaid, D., Rinaldi, M., Killackey, E. & Mykletun,
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Park, A.-L., Rinaldi, M., Brinchmann, B., Killackey, E., Aars, N. A. P., Mykletun, A., & McDaid, D. (2022). Economic analyses of supported employment programmes for people with mental health conditions: A systematic review.
European Psychiatry, 65(1), Article e51.
Perkins, R., Patel, R., Willett, A., Chisholm, L. & Rinaldi, M. (2022). Individual placement and support: cross-sectional study of equality of access and outcome for Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
BJPsych Bulletin, 46(1), 10-15.
Widding-Havneraas, T., Markussen, S., Elwert, F., Lyhmann, I., Bjelland, I., Halmøy, A., Chaulagain, A., Ystrom, E., Mykletun, A. & Zachrisson, H. E. (2022). Geographical variation in ADHD: do diagnoses reflect symptom levels?.
European Child & Adolescent psychiatry.
Wittlund, S., Butenko, D., Brandseth, O. L., Brinchmann, B., Killackey, E., McDaid, D., Rinaldi, M & Mykletun, A. (2022). Impact of Covid-19 Restrictions on Individual Placement and Support Service Delivery in Northern Norway.
Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health, 1-11.
Wittlund, S., Mykletun, A. & Lorentzen, T. (2022). Disability pension dynamics in early adulthood: A two-decade longitudinal study of educational, work and welfare-state trajectories in Norway.
SSM-Population Health, 17, 1-11.
Moe, C., Brinchmann, B., Rasmussen, L. Brandseth, O. L., McDaid, D., Killackey, E., Rinaldi, M., Borg, M. & Mykletun, A. (2021). Implementing individual placement and support (IPS): the experiences of employment specialists in the early implementation phase of IPS in Northern Norway. The IPSNOR study.
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Mykletun, A., Widding-Havneraas, T., Chaulagain, A., Lyhmann, I., Bjelland, I., Halmøy, A., Elwert, F., Butterworth, P., Markussen, S., Zachrisson, H. D. & Rypdal, K. (2021). Causal modelling of variation in clinical practice and long-term outcomes of ADHD using Norwegian registry data: the ADHD controversy project.
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Widding-Havneraas, T., Chaulagain, A., Lyhmann, I., Zachrisson, H. D., Elwert, F., Markussen, S., McDaid, D. & Mykletun, A. (2021). Preference-based instrumental variables in health research rely on important and underreported assumptions: a systematic review.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 139, 269-278.
Dorrington, S., Carr, E., Stevelink, S. A., Dregan, A., Whitney, D., Durbaba, S., Ashworth, M., Mykletun, A., Broadbent, M., Madan, I., Hatch, S. & Hotopf, M. (2020). Demographic variation in fit note receipt and long-term conditions in south London.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 77(6), 418-426.
Moe, C., Brinchmann, B., McDaid, D., Killackey, E., Rinaldi, M. & Mykletun, A. (2020). Approaches to implementing individual placement and support in the health and welfare sectors: a scoping review protocol.
JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18(1), 170-177.
Stewart, R., Fosså, S. D., Hotopf, M. & Mykletun, A. (2020). Extent of disease at first cancer presentation and previous anxiety and depressive symptoms: the HUNT study.
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 217(2), 427-433.
Brinchmann, B., Widding-Havneraas, T., Modini, M., Rinaldi, M., Moe, C.F., McDaid, D. Park, A.-L., Killackey, E., Harvey, S. B. & Mykletun, A. (2019). A meta-regression of the impact of policy on the efficacy of individual placement and support. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 141(3), 206– 220.
Gayed, A., Bryan, B. T., LaMontagne, A. D., Milner, A., Deady, M., Calvo, R. A., Mackinnin, A., Christensen, H., Mykletun, A., Glozier, N. & Harvey, S. B. (2019). A cluster randomized controlled trial to evaluate HeadCoach: an online mental health training program for workplace managers.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61(7), 545-551.
Gayed, A., Tan, L., LaMontagne, A. D., Milner, A., Deady, M., Milligan-Saville, J. S.,
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Deady, M., Johnston, D. A., Glozier, N., Milne, D., Choi, I., Mackinnon, A., Mykletun, A., Calvo, R. A., Gayed, A., Bryant, R., Christensen, H. & Harvey, S. B. (2018). A smartphone application for treating depressive symptoms: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
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Dorrington, S., Roberts, E., Mykletun, A., Hatch, S., Madan, I. & Hotopf, M.(2018).
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Gayed, A., Bryan, B. T., Petrie, K., Deady, M., Milner, A., LaMontagne, A. D., Calvo, R. A., Mackinnin, A., Christensen, H., Mykletun, A., Glozier, N. & Harvey, S. B. (2018). A protocol for the HeadCoach trial: the development and evaluation of an online mental health training program for workplace managers.
BMC psychiatry, 18(1), 1-9.
Gayed, A., LaMontagne, A. D., Milner, A., Deady, M., Calvo, R. A., Christensen, H., Mykletun, A., Glozier, N. & Harvey, S. B. (2018). A new online mental health training program for workplace managers: pre-post pilot study assessing feasibility, usability, and possible effectiveness.
JMIR mental health, 5(3), e10517.
Gayed, A., Milligan-Saville, J. S., Nicholas, J., Bryan, B. T., LaMontagne, A. D., Milner, A., Madan, I., Calvo, R. A., Christensen, H., Mykletun, A., Glozier, N. & Harvey, S. B. (2018). Effectiveness of training workplace managers to understand and support the mental health needs of employees: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Occupational and environmental medicine, 75(6), 462-470.
Harvey, S. B., Sellahewa, D. A., Wang, M. J., Milligan-Saville, J., Bryan, B. T., Henderson, M., Hatch, S. L. & Mykletun, A. (2018). The role of job strain in understanding midlife common mental disorder: a national birth cohort study.
The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(6), 498-506.
Harvey, S. B., Øverland, S., Hatch, S. L., Wessely, S., Mykletun, A. & Hotopf, M. (2018). Exercise and the prevention of depression: results of the HUNT cohort study.
American Journal of Psychiatry, 175(1), 28-36.
Schofield, T. P., Kiely, K. M., Mykletun, A., Harvey, S. B., & Butterworth, P. (2018). Using longitudinal survey data to estimate mental health related transitions to a disability pension.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60(4), e166-e172.
Harvey, S. B., Deady, M., Wang, M. J., Mykletun, A., Butterworth, P., Christensen, H. & Mitchell, P. B. (2017). Is the prevalence of mental illness increasing in Australia? Evidence from national health surveys and administrative data, 2001–2014.
Medical Journal of Australia, 206(11), 490-493.
Harvey, S. B., Modini, M., Joyce, S., Milligan-Saville, J. S., Tan, L., Mykletun, A., Bryant, R. A., Christensen, H. & Mitchell, P. B. (2017). Can work make you mentally ill? A systematic meta-review of work-related risk factors for common mental health problems.
Occupational and environmental medicine, 74(4), 301-310.
Nilsen, W., Skipstein, A., Østby, K. A. & Mykletun, A. (2017). Examination of the double burden hypothesis—a systematic review of work–family conflict and sickness absence.
European Journal of Public Health, 27(3), 465-471.
Nordhagen, H. P., Harvey, S. B., Rosvold, E. O., Bruusgaard, D., Blonk, R. & Mykletun, A.(2017). Case-specific colleague guidance for general practitioners’ management of sickness absence.
Occupational Medicine, 67(8), 644-647.
O’Dea, B., Lee, R. S. C., McGorry, P. D., Hickie, I. B., Scott, J., Hermens, D. F., Mykletun,
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Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 52(4), 503.
Joyce, S., Modini, M., Christensen, H., Mykletun, A., Bryant, R., Mitchell, P. B. & Harvey, S. B. (2016). Workplace interventions for common mental disorders: a systematic meta-review.
Psychological medicine, 46(4), 683-697.
Melkevik, O., Hauge, L. J., Bendtsen, P., Reneflot, A., Mykletun, A. & Aarø, L. E. (2016). Associations between delayed completion of high school and educational attainment and symptom levels of anxiety and depression in adulthood.
BMC psychiatry, 16, Article number 64.
Melkevik, O., Nilsen, W., Evensen, M., Reneflot, A. & Mykletun, A. (2016). Internalizing disorders as risk factors for early school leaving: A systematic review.
Adolescent Research Review, 1, 245-255.